Welcome to the Frank Wills Memorial Hall
Your Local, Affordable, Community Venue
This Beautiful Hall is located in the Heart of Downtown Cochrane.
A prominent fixture in Cochranes Community for over 20 years, the staff offer a friendly approach when it comes to discussing your event or group needs.
Contact us to ask us about our affordable rates.

2021 Pandemic Recovery Program Grant Recipient
The Frank Wills Memorial Society would like to recognize the Calgary Foundation and express its sincerest appreciation at becoming a 2021 recipient of a Pandemic Recovery Program Grant.
This Society is a charitable organization that oversees the running of the Frank Wills Memorial Hall. It donates space to many community groups and offers a low-cost option for others. To keep this Hall open, operational costs are funded purely through its rentals so, when Covid hit and people stopped renting the facility the longevity of this iconic Community Hall was at risk of closure.
The Calgary Foundations Grant has not only ensured that these doors of this venue can remain open and support those groups that needed it the most, but it has given the opportunity to find ways to reach more people and to let the expanding Community know about this wonderful Hall.
With our thanks.